When you try to fix something that wasn’t broken - it breaks.
I am extremely disappointed in Garage Band’s update. I should not have to spend 30 minutes RE-LEARNING how to enable multiple track recordings and then through multiple trial and error have to figure out how both signals will be picked up when trying to record both instruments.
Also, once the multi track recording is played back and seems like both recorded well. Why oh why when saved and then reopened, is ONE OF THE TRACKS MISSING?
The new update is not progressive - everything about it is regressive - it’s ease of use, the effects, the sounds etc.
This must have been a method to make more money - frustrate your customers, disappoint them with what software sounds are available so that they will purchase logic etc. or dish out more money from all the sampled sounds one has to purchase now.
To further add on to this sinking ship, since the last upgrade - none of the legacy sounds they make available are operable as they once were. Forced to deal with sub-standard options of their “new” sounds, what was once an inspiration of mine to record with this software has become a complete disappointing, waste of time. Would never purchase “more sounds” if the compression and effects cababilities are as doomed as they are in the basic sounds they provide. A total disaster.
milesonfoot about
GarageBand, v10.1